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Cooperativa Sociale Piacentina

Integrazione ed inserimento professionale, insieme.

What We Do

Cooperativa Sociale Piacentina's primary objective is social integration through work, with a particular focus on people in both social and economic difficulties.

Based in Via Roma 18/A in Fiorenzuola, the work integration social cooperative studies targeted paths according to different situations, using expert and qualified operators able to identify the most suitable occupations for each person.

It plays a fundamental role in the social context in which it operates, as there are many individuals who are unable to find a job that can guarantee adequate pay, security and general protection.

If you are interested in learning more about the activities carried out by the work integration social cooperative, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Per quanto ci riguarda, crediamo fortemente nel monitoraggio del singolo e del dialogo tra il lavoratore e le nostre aziende partner: in questo modo riusciamo a garantire ottime prestazioni sia lavorative che personali.​


Se sei interessato/a ad unirti a noi, o a semplicemente conoscere maggiori informazioni, non esitare a contattarci

ai recapiti che trovi nella sezione Contatti: siamo sempre alla ricerca di nuovi individui per allargare la nostra squadra.

Selection and Recruitment 
Using experienced operators, with a focus on the social integration of people in economic/social difficulties
Job Placement
Studying targeted pathways, identifying the most suitable occupations for each person
Monitoring and Dialogue
Protection of the worker and the relationship with partner companies, guaranteeing excellent performance
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